




  • 入試
  • 2022/10/24


筑波学院大学の今年度の国際教養(ILA)コース英語試験の実施にあたりまして、従来の 「聞く」、「話す」に加えて、「読む」、「書く」をプラスして選択できるようになりました。


【該当する入試】  総合型選抜

【受験までの流れ】 ①所定の出願期間内に出願書類を提出してください。



  Fashion Choices and the Environment

Fast fashion is a term used to describe extremely inexpensive items of clothing that people buy for a summer holiday, party, Halloween, Christmas, or more commonly, for everyday use. It is possible that these clothes may be worn only a few times. Fast fashion has a negative effect on the environment. There are three problems. First, the material is polyester, which is made of oil byproducts. This means that the fast fashion industry is using up valuable natural resources. Second, most fast fashion is bought online and shipped to customers’ houses. This delivery process creates a lot of CO2, which pollutes the air and adds to global warming. Thirdly, super-cheap clothes may be worn only a few times. They are thrown away and not recycled. These clothes often end up in landfills.
Consumer behavior makes the matter even worse. Researchers found that four out of 10 people put unwanted clothes in the garbage instead of mending or recycling them. As much as 95 percent of all clothing that ends up in landfills is reusable and can be recycled easily. Consumers need to behave more responsibly and dispose of clothes in a way that does not damage the environment.
The fashion industry is being criticized by governments, consumer groups, and activists because it is damaging the environment. But some big fashion companies are taking action to solve this problem. For example, a famous Swedish fashion brand is now asking customers to return all unwanted clothes to the store. These are sold second-hand, converted into other products, or turned into textile fibers. In addition, a well-known American outdoor wear company is offering free mending and recycling to customers. Are you a fan of fast fashion clothing? Or do you oppose the idea?

Task: Read the passage and write your opinions about fast fashion in 70 to 100 words. You should include your past buying behavior of clothing and give some possible solutions to these issues.
